Keep Track of Your Micro-Wins: The Best Way To Measure Your Personal Brand Success
Most likely, you’re measuring your success all wrong. If you’re like most business owners you evaluate your success based on one major yardstick—how much money you are making.
You’ve got it all backwards!
The profits we earn are the result of hitting a ton of other goals along the way. By focusing on the end goal of earning money, we tend to ignore all the other goals we need to reach in order to earn that money. Over-focusing on the end goal can make doing business overwhelming, which can result in losing sight of the things we’re getting right. For us overachievers, this means we are failing until we completely succeed because we’re overlooking lots of successes along the way.
This is how we end up feeling like we’re never doing enough for our businesses. And since there are endless things we can do to help our businesses grow, unless we’re seeing profits and productivity go up we tend to feel like we should be doing more.
What a dangerous way to think! It’s counterproductive and can actually inhibit our ability to be effective at what we do. Though many of us use the feeling that we’re not doing “enough” to motivate us to work harder, this can have the adverse effect of distracting us and making us less effective from minute to minute, task to task….
Read More | The Best Way To Measure Your Personal Brand Success | Forbes | https://bit.ly/2NLHHAv