Launching a new product is an exciting time for a company. It’s the culmination of hours of manpower spent developing that new product, from research and development to product testing. This final step, launching your product, is where all that hard work pays off. You just need to make sure you launch your product in the best way possible. A successful product launch starts well before the actual release date for your product. It should build anticipation, create an initial influx of sales, and establish momentum that your company can expand upon. Learn how to give your products the launch they deserve with these 6 fresh ideas for launching a new product offering.
Build Anticipation
Sometimes suspense can be a good thing. All too often, businesses want people to know every single detail about their upcoming product. Building suspense ignites curiosity and drawing out the mystery of your product launch can create longer buzz. When you deliberately release minimal details about your product, you can build anticipation for its release. Customers will speculate about what the product could be, sharing their enthusiasm for your brand.
Plan an Event
Get the media and customers excited about your new product with an event or party held to celebrate its release. If you don’t want to have to plan your own event, consider attending a trade show as part of your product launch. Picking the right show will be important, as well as creating a product-friendly exhibit. Unveiling a new product at a trade show is a fantastic way to connect directly with consumers and communicate with media. Your Safeguard consultant can help you with everything you need to make sure your booth gets maximum exposure.
Create Videos
Product launch videos can engage, inspire, entertain, and educate. There is a multitude of different types of video that you can create in conjunction with a product launch. You might create an explainer video where you introduce your new product as the solution to a problem your customers are facing. You could create a video where you answer common questions or show footage of real people using the product. Product testimonials are another way you can use video for your launch. No matter what kind of video you create just make sure they are short, sweet, and shareable.
Use Social Media
A teaser campaign on social media is a great way to launch a product. Teaser campaigns are designed to offer glimpses of products. The information in your teaser serves as clues for consumers, building excitement and anticipation prior to your launch. It’s important that you provide just enough information to spark curiosity without giving too many details away. Designate a hashtag for your product launch, making sure that it is unique, easy to remember, and as simple as possible. As your launch gets closer, you might find yourself making multiple hashtags, differentiating between the product itself, the launch, and any contests you are holding. Consumers can follow the hashtags, and when the launch day comes, they will be excited about your product and ready to share or buy it.
In addition to a teaser campaign, other great ways to capitalize on your social media following are to host a contest and reward loyal customers. Both tactics will help drive engagement, which is incredibly useful for new product launches. Safeguard’s online marketing services can help you reach customers through social media and be successful online.
Take Pre-Orders
You can make sales even before your product launches by taking pre-orders. When you let your loyal customer base pre-order your upcoming product, not only are you making an easy sale, but you are building excitement and compelling others to anticipate the product release. Once you’ve decided on a final price, it’s a smart move to give your customers the option to pre-order.
Focus on Benefits
Stop focusing on the features and instead put your emphasis on the benefits. Customers need to know how a product works, but that isn’t what makes them want to buy the product. They need to know how that product is going to help them. Communicate to customers a challenge that they are facing, and then showcase how your new product can solve that problem. Once you’ve highlighted the benefit, you can explain the product features.
No matter which ideas you employ to launch your new product, it’s important that you get people talking. Continue that enthusiasm and momentum throughout the launch. As you reach major milestones, communicate that to customers and inspire them to share the news. At Safeguard, we are big proponents of milestone marketing, and turning business achievements into marketing opportunities.
We know that every business is different, and that’s why you need a unique and effective strategy that suits your brand and your new product. We offer tailored solutions for business, helping your reach success. Contact us today to get started with your personal Safeguard consultant.