When You Can’t Control Anything Else, Work On Your Customer Service And Watch Your Bottom Line Grow Excerpt:
So many forces are outside of a business’s control. (This is true in every era, not just now, when things feel particularly out of control.) Yet there is an ingredient of business success that’s within your control to improve, interaction by interaction and inch by inch.
That ingredient is the quality of your engagement with customers: your customer service, customer experience, the quality of your relationship with your customers and of their relationship to your brand and organization.
Get this right, and I predict that other negative forces in the world that feel so out of control at the moment will also bow down and do your bidding.
Read more | When You Can’t Control Anything Else, Work On Your Customer Service And Watch Your Bottom Line Grow | https://www.forbes.com/ | https://bit.ly/39XqCcO