We’ve all seen them. Small tri-fold brochures are everywhere — in envelopes in your mailbox, on display racks at hotels, and lying around on coffee shop tables. Why are these brochures so ubiquitous? They’re low-cost, easy to distribute, and — most importantly — effective marketing tools.
Why are they so effective?
Tri-fold brochures relay essential information in an easy to read, eye grabbing format.
Plus, they’re highly versatile. Not only can you advertise your business as a whole in an informational brochure, you can also advertise particular services or products, promote a giveaway, or provide information about an upcoming event. Of course, to be effective, the brochure must match your brand, as well as appeal to your customers’ wants and needs. Professional designers and marketers can help you with that — which is where Safeguard comes in!
Want to add tri-fold brochures to your marketing plan?
Every month, Safeguard offers a good deal on a marketing product, as well as a free consultation with a Safeguard representative. This May, we’re offering a deal on tri-fold brochures! As a Safeguard client, you can take advantage of this good deal to increase your brand awareness!
The deal:
You’ll receive 1,000 Tri-fold brochures (visit your country’s pricing page for complete details: U.S. and Canada.)
That’s a good deal!
But at Safeguard, you don’t just get good deals. You get a promotional price!
Which is why you’ll also get a free consultation with a Safeguard consultant who’s up to date on current marketing trends. Tri-fold brochures are a popular promotional product, that’s why it’s important to distinguish your brochures from all the other brochures out there. Your Safeguard consultant can help you by strategically designing an attractive, cost-effective design. Safeguard consultants can even help you integrate your brochures into a comprehensive marketing campaign.
That’s a good deal more!
Get started:
Don’t miss out on this deal! Visit your country’s pricing page for further details. (U.S. and Canada).
This simple marketing solution can have an enormous effect on your brand’s recognition and overall sales. Give us a call or email us to purchase your personalized tri-fold brochures and set up a free consultation!