We know it’s only October, but chances are your marketing team is already hard at work planning their initiatives for 2018. Looking for an excellent promotional product for the new year? Want to sell a product that is cost effective, functional, and advertises your brand? Consider purchasing yearly calendars!
Calendar Advertising Benefits
If you’re on the fence about purchasing calendars for 2018, consider these four reasons calendar advertising actually works:
Calendars offer value.
When considering a product that advertises your brand, whether to give away for free or sell at a low cost, one of the most important factors to keep in mind is the value it provides to customers. There are a lot of chintzy giveaways out there that customers will simply throw away because they don’t provide any kind of functionality. But a calendar, that’s something that customers can actually use. They can hang it in their kitchen, jot down appointments on it, and glance at it to simply to remind themselves what day of the week it is. In other words, calendars offer value, which makes them an excellent promotional product.
Calendars are inexpensive to produce.
The best promotional products are functional and cost effective. And calendars are just that! By ordering a Safeguard calendar, you can accomplish a year’s worth of advertising for as low as $2.74 each. Whether you’re giving these calendars away or selling them to customers, they make for low cost advertising.
Calendars are easily customizable.
Want your calendar to portray your logo on each monthly page? Want to design a theme for your calendar, perhaps scenes from the natural world, those lovable furry puppies, or inspirational quotes? Calendars are easy to customize based on your target demographic!
Calendars have lasting power.
The best advertisements are long lasting. With a calendar, you’re getting advertising that appears in your customers’ homes every single day for a year!
Plan ahead for 2018!
Our Safeguard consultants can help you design a calendar that fits your brand . For less than three dollars each, the calendars include an imprint of your business information. They are spiral bound, 11” x 10” closed and 11” x 19” open. Our designs include holiday greetings , lighthouses, and many more! Get your calendars today by setting up a consultation with a Safeguard marketing expert!