Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Not sure if you have the funds to invest in both a digital and a print marketing campaign? Deciding where to invest your marketing funds can be difficult, in part because it’s hard to know what will and what won’t work. That said, there are ways to be creative with your marketing, saving money while promoting your brand!
As CEO of a creative marketing and public relations firm, I’ve seen how unique marketing strategies can elevate a company’s brand awareness and drive ROI more than the traditional approaches. Executing a successful marketing campaign doesn’t require millions of dollars in funding: Small businesses and startups can market themselves on a small budget by thinking outside the box. Here are some tips to maximize your campaign efforts:
• Craft a pitch, not an advertisement. Regardless of your industry, if you conceptualize a product, it is likely that you have plenty of competitors. A market research firm recently conducted a study that found the average amount of advertisements seen by a consumer is upwards of 5,000 per day. Most of these ads go unnoticed, deeming creative, fresh ideas in marketing a must if you want to distinguish yourself from other brands. If you can successfully create content that is entertaining, inspirational or memorable for the consumer, you’ll see greater success in impacting the consumer.
• Position your campaign as an icebreaker. A great way to push your campaign further is to make it newsworthy enough to warrant discussions around the water cooler. You probably heard about Crayola retiring one of its crayons — not traditional “news” (nor important to our society), but it was the talk of the town, making its rounds on social media, NPR, TIME, The Huffington Post, and USA Today. The New York Times even issued a eulogy for the departing crayon! There is a reason Crayola didn’t discretely lay off this color. It was not so much a means of freshening its color palette, but a genius marketing campaign to get people talking. To give your campaign that viral quality that starts conversations, tap into the cultural milieu and the elements of pop culture (i.e. social media) that resonate with people today.
Read More: | Launching A Creative Marketing Campaign — Without Breaking The Bank | Forbes | http://bit.ly/2unlsXX