5 Best Practices Every Small Business Should Follow
For a business to succeed, it needs to constantly adjust in accordance with the marketplace, doubling down on what works and eliminating what doesn’t.
As we prepare to enter a new year, these five best practices for small businesses are important to keep in mind. If your business already has them covered, it never hurts to do a check-up. If you find any of them lacking, however, it might be time to develop a plan to address the gaps.
1. Update software and secure networks.
Outdated software is one of the most common reasons a business’s network remains vulnerable to a cyberattack. It’s a simple fix to make sure you’re running the latest version of all your software and, if you aren’t, bringing it up to date. Doing so could prevent your business from suffering a devastating cyberattack…
Read more | 5 Best Practices Every Small Business Should Follow in 2019 | businessnewsdaily.com | https://bit.ly/2u49LFz