Traditional Workplace Rules are Changing: 4 Outdated Workplace Rules That Are Stalling Business Growth.
It’s no secret the larger the business the slower the movement when dealing with outdated workplace rules. As the more laid back generation makes its final exit and the digital-driven generation takes the wheel, businesses are having to reframe their workplace policies to meet the needs of their new workers. The greatest obstacle businesses face is releasing the grip on outdated workplace formalities and creating policies that support the new generation.
Employers are losing out on top talent by retaining antiquated workplace policies. The truth is, companies need to be constantly evolving and shifting with the needs of the workplace to remain competitive. According to research done by Catalyst, millennials are the largest working generation and by 2025 will make up three-quarters of the workforce. Catalyst also states, post-millennials, known as Generation Z, currently make up 5% of the workforce with rapid growth to soon takeover.
Traditional workplace rules that worked for previous generations no longer remain relevant to newer ones. The negative consequences associated with the resistance to change far outweigh the mentality of if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. Relinquishing outdated workplace rules and fostering a culture that speaks to the new generation will keep them engaged, loyal and productive.
Here are four outdated rules that are stalling business growth and holding companies back from being greater than what they are…..
Read More | The 4 Outdated Workplace Rules Employers Still Grip Onto | Forbes | https://bit.ly/2UVhfnE