Trade Show 101 – Graphics protocols for a successful event: A great trade show can help launch your business. Follow these dos and don’ts to attract the most amount of people to your booth.
Trade shows are launch pads for major businesses and vendors. Be it a rising star or a traditional name in the market, putting on a good show at these events yields serious bread and butter. Trade shows tend to be exclusive affairs, courtesy of the organizers. The general public may not have access to these events – but media, press, and related investors grace the occasion. This is the reason why it’s important to be spot on, and to use compelling graphics to attract attention for all the right reasons.
Why are trade shows so challenging? The scenario and set-up provided by the organizers play a vital role in determining the strategy needed to succeed. A vendor can be competing with parties with a similar background, or those who are entirely different. On the broader side of things, technology or innovation events may have entries of varied backgrounds and genres. The key to standing out in trade shows is being unique and projecting the best version of your product. And what better way to do it, than with exceptionally eye-catching graphical representations.
Do’s and don’t’s to make your trade show exhibit a memorable one
Do have a preview of your exhibit beforehand. This enables you to place important pieces in the correct places and gives room to edit final appearance. This may seem like a rookie tip, but most organizers ignore the basic principles of planning a successful event. As they say, the devil is in the details. You should be aware of the placement of all components – starting from shelves to banners.
Read More | Trade Show 101: Graphics protocols for a successful event | Graphic Arts | https://bit.ly/2IDA23D