In the age of the Internet, is anyone still reading print media? The answer: a resounding, YES! In fact, statistics show that print readers spend almost half an hour with a magazine, while online readers spend less than two minutes on a given website. Plus, over half of all consumers trust print advertisements more than online advertisements. What does this mean? Print marketing matters for the success of your business.
A Few Tips on Print Marketing
But why does everyone love print marketing? Why is it so trusted and reliable these days?
- Print media isn’t distracting
Print media doesn’t bombard you with pop-up ads, sidebar videos, and overwhelming web pages. On the contrary, print media is calm, aesthetically pleasing, and focusing. When a consumer reads an article in a magazine or stops to look at an advertisement in a newspaper, chances are they’re more focused than when they are hurriedly skipping an ad before a YouTube video — an ad which they find more annoying than interesting, by the way.
- Print media is memorable.
If you’re investing in a print marketing campaign, chances are it looks good. You know the magazine you advertise in will likely be on someone’s coffee table or the postcard you send in the mail will likely end up on somebody’s fridge. In other words, it will hang around, and you want your brand represented well when it does. This is especially helpful because customers often have nostalgic feelings toward print media, therefore, your advertisement is likely to stick in the emotional part of their brain where it can be easily recalled later on when that customer is ready to make a purchase.
- Print media is trendy.
How do you succeed? By staying one step ahead of your customers. Right now, digital marketing isn’t as popular as it has been. More and more people are annoyed by the bombardment of advertisements and generally want to unplug from the Internet altogether. Print media is making a comeback because people want to relax and unwind without feeling connected to the whole world and distracted by constant notifications. By investing in print media, you’re staying one step ahead of your competitors, who are over there online annoying their customers with one more pop-up ad.
- Print media is tactile.
While well-designed digital media can at times look as good as print media, digital media eliminates one of our primary senses: touch. The feel of paper evokes a physical and sensory response. The paper can be warm, evoking a sense of friendliness or calm. Or, the paper can be hard and coarse, evoking a sense of strength and power. By eliminating print media from your marketing campaign, you also eliminate these physical feelings. This is one of the main reason print is so often the preferred medium among people young and old.
Try Safeguard!
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