3 Universal Benefits of Building a Multi-Generational Team and Workplace Excerpt:
Recently the phrase “OK Boomer” went viral–and unfortunately, perpetuated many of the stereotypes we hear time and time again. The meme-worthy phrase, regardless of which side of the fence you stand on, overlooks one of the most important and under-discussed aspects of multi-generational collaboration.
See, while everyone loves debating which generation is “more innovative” or “less tech-savvy,” the reality is, we need each other.
In the workplace, looking at people in terms of which generation they’re from can be misleading. At the end of the day, everyone is still part of one collective team, working toward one common goal.
We get more accomplished together.
Read more | 3 Universal Benefits of Building a Multi-Generational Team and Workplace | https://www.inc.com/ | http://bit.ly/2V3BMJv