Tri-fold brochures are one of the most popular marketing products out there. These business brochures are effective because they’re cost-efficient, versatile, and easy to distribute. But for your brochure to catch the eye of a potential customer, it has to stand out from the crowd.
How do you differentiate your brochure from all the rest? Perhaps you hire a professional designer who can create an innovative look, reevaluate the content of your brochures, and consider how they fit into a comprehensive marketing plan. Or perhaps you opt to present your brochure in a different medium, for example, as business cards, postcards, booklets, or magnets. There are many ways to distinguish your brochure. Here are our suggestions!
Go for the classic look…
A traditional tri-fold brochure is a classic design that leaves a lot of room for creative content and look. Opt for a traditional business brochure design and you’re giving customers what they expect. You’re also giving them what’s been proven to work time and time again .
…or try a more creative one!
Rather than a traditional brochure, try something different that may pay off. Maybe that means printing a greeting card that includes all the information that would be in a brochure. This approach feels more personal — it’s like getting a card! — and you can play with the thickness of the paper and have fun with the graphics on the front. Or, why not have a “brochure” that doesn’t need to be folded at all. Postcards are another excellent option for relaying information to customers. And finally, if you have a lot of information to convey, consider opting for a booklet instead. Booklets provide more space for you to share the necessary information, while remaining cost-effective, versatile, and easy to read.
Make a magnet.
If you really want to stand out from the crowd, consider printing the information that would go in your brochure on the front of a magnet instead. Magnets are useful to customers. They’ll put them on fridges, filing cabinets, and other metal surfaces where they’ll see them on a daily basis. Which means: free advertising!
Include a loose leaf insert.
Give customers another tactile piece to engage with by including additional information or the core of your message on a loose leaf insert. Customers can easily read what’s printed in bold on this loose leaf, which is another opportunity for you to share your message with them.
Let us help you!
Want help designing a cost-effective, aesthetically-pleasing brochure? A Safeguard consultant and designer can help! Contact us for a free consultation.