While an email marketing plan can start off with a fresh idea, it can just as easily devolve into boring, useless content with stale subject lines. Every few months, it’s a good idea to revisit your email marketing plan, refreshing it with a new look and ensuring the information you’re sending to your customers’ inboxes really is relevant.
This is more than common sense. As it turns out, the human brain quickly becomes bored with familiar patterns. Which means: if you don’t spruce up your email campaign every once in a while, your customers will stop reading them, stop clicking on the links, and may even stop opening your emails at all .
To spruce up your email marketing, here are a few tips from the Safeguard team!
Brainstorm more creative subject lines.
When an email comes into a customer’s inbox, the first thing he sees is the subject line. If it’s catchy, he’ll click on it to see what’s inside. That means: you need punchy, engaging subject lines before customers will even read your emails! Take some time to ask yourself some focusing questions that will help you get ideas for subject lines. For example, what’s the point of this particular email? This email campaign as a whole? What kind of information is in this email and how can I get it in my subject line in a creative way?
Consider a voice for your brand.
Once the customer opens your email, you have an opportunity to portray yourself through the tone of the writing and the images included. Every email has a voice. It could be professional, comic, or sobering. More avant-garde brands might send emails in funny verse or memes. More traditional brands might opt for straightforward, dry prose. Ask yourself: does the voice of my emails match the aesthetic of my brand?
Choose an aesthetically appropriate layout.
The design of an email matters! Layout determines where links, promotionals, informational paragraphs, images, etc. are placed. The layout includes colors, fonts, and text size, as well. If the layout isn’t aesthetically pleasing or at least designed in a way that’s easy to approach, consider refreshing it. Or, even if you like your layout, consider changing it up every now and then so it doesn’t become boring to your customers.
Ask yourself: is this easy to read?
Remember: you only have a few seconds to make an impression on a potential customer before she moves on to the next email in her inbox. By bolding your key ideas, shortening your paragraphs, and providing summaries of informational links, you’re making it easy for customers to get a gist of what the email is about before they move on.
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