Marketing to Seniors?: Drop the Humor and Emotional Pleas
Despite stereotypes, older consumers are embracing technology and digital platforms—but still seek specific marketing messages.
Though 41 percent of people in the United States think consumers ages 55 and above don’t understand or enjoy using technology, a recent report by the Age of Majority and Head Solutions Group reveals otherwise.
Senior consumers might not be early adopters to social media platforms or enthusiastically embrace the newest technology offerings, but they’re no strangers to technology—especially when it comes to streaming services, dating websites, mobile devices and smart speakers.
Thirty-seven percent of people 55 years and older have either canceled their cable and satellite TV plans—or plan to do so in the next two years. In comparison to 69 percent of millennials, more than half of senior consumers (56 percent) have switched or are planning to switch to a streaming service, such as Amazon Prime Video or Netflix.
A growing number of senior consumers (28 percent) have turned to online dating, and more than half of seniors (53 percent) have turned off their landlines in favor of cell phones—or will do so within the next two years. Thirty-eight percent of consumers 55 years or older have purchased smart speakers or plan to buy them within a couple years…..
Read More | Report: When marketing to seniors, drop the humor and emotional pleas | PR Daily | https://bit.ly/2LAWnhe