Business cards make you memorable. Not only are business cards an easy way of exchanging contact information, they are much more personal compared to a digital contact exchange. Think of a networking event where everyone is exchanging business cards; you want to stand out with memorable business cards. Whether you are an entrepreneur or you work for someone else, it’s important to have a great business card that is personalized and showcases your own style. Business cards aren’t going anywhere, so here are ways you can personalize and differentiate your business cards.
Some Tips on Memorable Business Cards
Try a Unique Shape
Most business cards are a standard size, typically 3.5-by-2-inches. That, means when placed in a stack, the majority of business cards are the same shape and size. It’s hard to stand out when everyone starts out with the same dimensions. Most business owners then turn to design to set their card apart. But instead of just depending on your design, why not consider changing the actual shape of the card. By changing your business card shape you will immediately stand out from the rest, even without a great design. If you just want to step into a new business card shape, consider a square card. Square cards aren’t massively different from standard size business cards, but they are unique enough to be noticed.
Something else to try is a different texture for your card. Just like a different-sized card feels different, so does one with a gritty matter surface or rounded corners. Your brand might work well using foil or raised glossy accents. Studies have even shown that the quality or weight of paper used actually has a measurable difference in how its perceived. Choosing a sturdy and firm paper stock could leave a stronger impression. The key is to match your business to the style choices you make for your cards.
Include Social Media
It’s common practice to include your name, title, email, phone number, and a website on your business card. But today it is also important to include your business’ social networking profiles on your card as well. Many of your contacts will want to visit your company on Facebook and Twitter to connect, and you don’t want them to have to search through your website to find your social media links. Make sure to include your social media handles for the sites where you are most active online.
A word of caution, while you are adding in your social media handles be careful not to make your business card too cluttered. It would be a mistake to include all of the contact details available for your business. Use the ones that you use the most and feel free to leave off the rarely used contact methods. Too much clutter on your business card makes it harder to read and harder for people to remember you. A well-designed card, with key information clearly laid out, is more important than a clever design. If someone can’t read your business card because it has too much information, they certainly won’t be contacting you any time soon. While it can feel ruthless, it’s okay to only include a couple of contact methods.
Customize Your Cards
Does your business offer a multitude of products and services? Rather than using one card to advertise everything that your company offers consider using small print runs of customized cards, each used to advertise something specific, whether a particular product or an upcoming event. Think of your business cards as a call to action rather than just something to describe your overall business plan. These targeted business cards can be a better way to inspire more customer interest.
Leave room for white space. Consider jotting down a note about where you met someone before handing over your card. When they see your note they will instantly recall the details of your meeting. Make sure your card design leaves room for personal touches. Consider adding in a personalized message for event specific cards or include a catchphrase or quote that matches you.
Many of us have slogans or quotes that match what we work toward on both a professional and personal level. Adding these to your business cards is a great way to add life to your business card without just placing your logo on the back. And if your quote resonates with the person receiving your card you will have just made a memorable impression. You might also consider a trivia question to get the conversation started or adding credibility by including a brief testimonial quote.
The right use of color can take a simple business card and make it memorable. Psychologists have found that color improves memory performance. If you have a specific color tone to your website, or a favorite color combo, your business card is a great way to build your brand through color. Finding a perfect color could be pairing complementary colors or using a bright color on white. Just make sure it isn’t hard on the eyes.
Make your business card multi-task by having it also act as a ticket, note card, bookmark, scratch card, or sticker. Does your business support a charity? Include that information on your business card. Consider putting your photo on your business card so people can match a face to the name. And don’t forget to make the handoff memorable. As you hand over your card be specific in when you will follow up.
The first impression you give to someone is often your business card. Safeguard knows what is essential to stand out with memorable business cards. We can help you come up with new ideas for shapes, designs, and even what information to include on your cards. Get in touch with your dedicated Safeguard consultant today and discover the Safeguard advantage.