Here’s Exactly What to Say When You Run into Your CEO at the Coffeemaker: Rather than freezing up when you run into your CEO — or boss — follow these tips for engaging in a memorable, respectful interaction.
Getting caught off guard, especially pre-caffeine, can do strange things to people.
Like blurt out, “Wattup, dude?!” when you run into your CEO at the coffeemaker.
So it helps to have a general idea of how you might handle anunexpected encounter with the dudes (of either sex) on your company’s leadership team.
According to Rosalinda Oropeza Randall, an etiquette and civility expert and the author of “Don’t Burp in the Boardroom,” bumping into your CEO is a chance to make a positive impression and to show that you’re able to handle yourself in a professional way.
“It’s an opportunity to show yourself off,” Randall said.
It doesn’t take anything fancy.
If you work at a relatively small company and you’re well acquainted with your CEO, Randall suggested saying something like, “I didn’t know you were a coffee drinker, too,” or bringing up an upcoming event: “Do you have plans for Presidents’ week?”
The situation is slightly more complicated if you don’t know your CEO very well. You’ll want to read their body language and determine whether they’re in a huge rush or whether they’re open to conversation.
If they do seem open, you can introduce yourself. Extend your hand and say, “Hi, I’m [your first and last name]. I work in [your department].”
Read More Here’s exactly what to say when you run into your CEO at the coffeemaker |Business Insider | http://read.bi/2pD2f1s