Does the thought of attending networking events give you cold feet? Follow These Eight Ways To Increase Your Networking IQ:
Show Up
Even when you don’t feel like it, show up. As Woody Allen says, “80% of success is showing up” and that certainly applies to networking. Even when it’s raining, show up. People who show up during lousy weather are motivated and are often more likely to be interested in meeting you and sharing valuable information about themselves.
Be Strategic
Don’t go in cold. Before every event, a male client of mine decides whom he would like to get to know better and plans topics for conversation with each one. He seeks out those attendees during the event. When attending dinner events, Stan approaches his strategic target 5 minutes before the dinner bell rings, begins a conversation with him or her and then is usually invited to sit near them during dinner. Women are usually less strategic than men when attending events. Women often look for friends they know and mingle with them as they catch up on how their lives are going. If there are people you want to meet, consider getting an introduction from someone who knows them. Have professional business cards ready to share…..
Read more | Eight Ways To Increase Your Networking IQ | Forbes | https://bit.ly/2zN8B16