Is normalcy on the horizon? Daily activities, such as work, school, and shopping, all had to be reimagined over the last year. Businesses quickly adapted, pivoting to find new ways of operating in order to address customers' needs while continuing to deal with a rapidly changing environment of … [Read more...]
Consumer Behavior Changes: What Businesses Need to Know
Schedules are opening up, restrictions are lifting, and businesses are welcoming back increasing numbers of customers as the country gradually recovers from the past year. Now the big question is, will some of the consumer behavior changes seen due to the pandemic, things like no touchpoints, … [Read more...]
Have You Heard of the Employee Retention Credit?
Lawmakers have passed many tax breaks for businesses over the last year in an effort to help with fallout from the pandemic. While some programs, such as the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), have received a significant amount of attention, many other programs are available to help businesses, … [Read more...]
3 Ways to Improve Workplace Safety During a Pandemic
No one would deny that safety in the workplace is critically important, even more so now that the COVID-19 pandemic has become an extensive and challenging problem facing businesses. When it comes to workplace safety, your employees are a powerful tool for prevention, and their safety perceptions … [Read more...]
Business Planning Outlook for 2021
The pandemic has required organizations of all sizes to figure out how to do business differently. Plans have had to change quickly as companies found themselves needing to adapt and evolve. While this hasn’t been easy, the ability to pivot and make big transformations has been key for businesses as … [Read more...]