Six Productive Business Meeting Hacks: Executed well, business meetings can make your business grow.
Business meetings are frequently described as a necessary evil, at their worst, absorbing huge chunks of valuable time without any tangible outcomes. But they are also a cornerstone of planning, communication and innovation, and as such, businesses can’t manage without them.
In startups, the main reasons for calling a meeting are brainstorming, team building, gathering input and making group decisions, and executed well, they can make a huge difference to business operations and growth strategies. Here are six basic rules for making official gatherings deliver value for the business and its team.
Scrap meetings for the sake of meetings
Senior executives in large organizations are spending more than two days a week in meetings, according to a survey by Bain & Company, yet the consensus is that many are pointless and that some at least could be dropped without being missed.
In a startup with a small team the first rule of planning a meeting is not to when a quick email or instant message will suffice. Meetings that lack any real justification for being planned should also be ditched. Without clear objectives, or clarity around what is expected of those who’ve been asked to attend it will simply eat into time that the team can’t afford to lose.
Tailor the meeting timing to the meeting agenda, not vice versa
Schedule the length of the meeting for what needs to be achieved. In other words, if the agenda can be covered in 30 minutes, don’t schedule an hour, as the likelihood is that you’ll fill the extra time with irrelevant or off-topic conversations. The merits of open-ended meetings, also known as ‘death by meeting’, definitely need to be questioned. Three hours tops in most cases should be enough……
Read more | Six Productive Business Meeting Hacks For Startups And Their Teams | Forbes | https://bit.ly/2MM6ujm