Exporting Contacts from Outlook Exporting Contacts from Gmail Uploading Contacts to Facebook Uploading Contacts to LinkedIn Sending Connection Requests to Contacts in LinkedIn Setting Up Event Page For Ignite Your Brand … [Read more...]
Your Guide to Social Media Marketing for Business | Safeguard

These days, just about everyone is on social media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat -- you name it, and your customers are probably using it. Which means for your business to reach the highest number of potential customers it can, you’ll need to use social media as a marketing tool. This can … [Read more...]
5 Creative Ways to Use Social Media to Innovate Your Business

These days, it seems like every small business owner uses some form of social media to promote his or her business. But not all of us know how to use social media well, and even those of us who are committed to using social media in innovative ways often get burned out using the same old tactics day … [Read more...]